Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to Create Strong Passwords

Our passwords are the keys you use to access personal information that you’ve stored on your computer and in your online accounts. In today’s online world, having a strong password is a must. However, the problem with strong passwords is that they can be difficult to remember.
If criminals or other malicious users steal this information, they can use your name to open new credit card accounts, apply for a mortgage, or pose as you in online transactions.
So am here writing about some good tips which will help you to create strong passwords.

1. Combine letters, numbers, and symbols. The greater variety of characters that you have in your
password, the harder it is to guess.
2. Use words and phrases that are easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess. The easiest way to remember your passwords and pass phrases is to write them down. Such as “My son Aiden is three years old.”
3. If the computer or online system does not support pass phrases, convert it to a password. Take the first letter of each word of the sentence that you’ve created to create a new, nonsensical word. Using the example above, you’d get: “msaityo”.
4. Use Symbols against words like:
* Replace all the ‘a’ with @
* Replace all the ’s’ with $
* Repalce any space with %
* Replace any ‘o’ with 0
* Replace any ‘i’ with !
* Replace any ‘c’ with (

5. Avoid sequences or repeated characters. “12345678,” “222222,” “abcdefg,” or adjacent letters on your keyboard
6. Avoid your login name. Any part of your name, birthday, social security number, or similar information for your loved ones constitutes a bad password choice
7. And Finally use Password Meter, it can test your existing password for strength but also provide guidelines for creating stronger passwords.
Here is the Example of Strong Password: R@j79!$i
In Password meter it scores 100%. So these are the some of the best tips which help you to create a strong passwords.

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