Friday, March 16, 2012

Transform Windows XP SP2 in XP SP3 without upgrading

You probably already know, Microsoft stopped the support for Windows XP SP2 in July last year (2010). That means that no matter what security or vulnerability problem that gets discovered on the Windows operating systems, from the XP versions only SP3 gets patches for those issues, which makes SP2 (and earlier versions) to be more risky. One choice can be upgrading to Windows XP SP3. But even if, this is the most recommended thing to do by all the computer specialists and of course Microsoft, this is not a good solution for all XP users. And that is because, XP Service Pack 3 has some real bugs in it, it actually gained the unstable SP title.

So, if you are still using XP SP2 and you don’t want to upgrade to SP3 (an extremely easy solution would be upgrading to Windows 7 ) because you had some bad times with that SP3, you can solve the problem of the support by convincing the SP2 that he is in fact SP3 (like this, the operating system will remain SP2, but it’ll be identified as being XP SP3) and all this with the help of a small registry hack.
How to transform XP SP2 in XP SP3 with the help of the system registries:
Open Registry Editor (open Run, type regedit and Enter) and look for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Windows
Key in the right panel and the right click on the following entry (DWORD) CSDVersion and select Modify from the displayed menu.
Then edit the hexadecimal value of the entry from 200 to 300 and click OK
Now close regedit and restart the PC to make sure the changes will take effects.
Note: Microsoft doesn’t recommend this method(obviously) because this means a change in the registry, make sure you have a back up of these registry before doing the thing from above.

 Thanks to

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